Wednesday, August 17, 2005


The struggle for Gush Katif and the Northern Shomron may be over but the ORANGE campaign must live on as a protest movement against Sharon and his government. Furthermore, the campaign should include a call for government reform so that the government can never be hijaked again. The ORANGE campaign has great momentum and it must continue. I believe it will.


Blogger Avi Green said...

I wouldn't say that the battle for Gush Katif is over, but one of the worst aspects of this tragedy is the unjust illegal role of the courts, in particular judge Aharon Barak of the supreme court, some of his flunkie fellow judges on the supreme court, not to mention the "attorney general", Mr. Mazuz. These people are poison for democracy and human rights, at least for the human rights of Jews. We need judges who are subordinate to the legislature, and who're chosen by democratically elected officials.

Like I said, the battle for Gush Katif and Shomron is not over, and we must fight to reverse the error.

8:57 PM  
Blogger Barry Freedman said...


I agree with you on both points. Perhaps I should have written the word MAY in caps, like this:

"The struggle for Gush Katif and the Northern Shomron MAY be over but the ORANGE campaign must live on as a protest movement against Sharon and his government."

Looking forward,I was just hoping that the momentum is not lost.

Again, concur completeley on the judicial system.

10:29 AM  

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